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Six Ways the iPad Is Making Strides in Schools and Colleges

28 August 2010 No Comment

Six Ways iPad Is Making Strides in Schools and CollegesDavid Woodbury, Librarian at North Carolina University in Raleigh, ordered 30 iPads last spring to lend them to students and faculty members, demand was immediate and widespread.

Literally, the hour we started [lending out iPads], we had students lining to use them

, said Woodbury to Macworld.com.

This fall, Adams Center for Teaching and Learning at Abilene Christian University will use the iPad in two classes. This is the opinion of George Saltsman, Director of Educational Technology:

I don’t know that we’re ready to say that we’ll do that next year, but I do think that in five years all our students will be getting their texts digitally.

George Fox University in Oregon gave freshmen a choice between either MacBook or iPad, and about 70 students – 10 percent of the incoming class – choose an iPad. Eventually, officials, say, iPad will be the only option. This is Greg Smith, school’s chief information officer:

The reality of offering the iPad is that we’re going to kill the laptop piece of it. The iPad will ease that blow.

Cedars School of Excellence, a K-12 school near Glasgow in Scotland, is going to distribute 105 iPads, one for every student, this fall. Homeworks will be assigned and collected through e-mail, and written with Pages.

Hawaii Preparatory Academy in Kamuela, will use several iPad apps to teach the students astronomy, biology, languages, physics, and more.

Reed College in Oregon [Steve Jobs’ one! — Ed.] failed an experiment carried with Amazon Kindle, and is retrying with iPads. Kindles lack versatility and have a cumbersome browser, so that students went back to paper.

See the whole articles, recommended, in Macworld.


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