Articles in the Apple Category
Apple, Apple announce, iPad 3, iPad HD »
March 7th, San Francisco: Apple is about to present the new iPad HD (more likely) or iPad 3.
What about the rumors about the new features?
Let’s put them together and see what’s feasible and what’s not!
One of the iPhone’s most beloved features is its ultrasharp retina display. And while the iPad 2′s screen is no lightweight, a bump up in pixel density is one of the most hotly anticipated iPad 3 improvements. MacRumors claims to have obtained an iPad 3 display that confirms the bump in resolution. The display is the …
App store, App world, Apple, Apple announce, Blog app, iOS5, iPad, Market research »
Check Apple‘s web site: you could win!
As of today, nearly 25 billion apps have been downloaded worldwide.
Which is almost as amazing as the apps themselves.
So we want to say thanks.
Download the 25 billionth app, and you could win a US$10,000 App Store Gift Card.* Just visit the App Store and download your best app yet.
Check here for more info about the 25BN downloader prize!
Apple, Apple announce, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad photo, iPad video, Market research, Media, Movies, Photography »
With the upcoming iPad 3 event on March 7th, rumors abound on some critical issues that may emerge with the new model.
Shlashgear reports that the Home button may disappear from iPad 3 in favor of some new gestures.
The Home button, one of the very few iPad annoyances, is a long-time doomed feature that may has come to an end.
Apple has long been rumored to be deleting the physical home key, and replacing it with either a combination of gestures or a touch sensitive bezel. The image Apple used for its …
Apple, Apple announce, iOS5, iPhone 4, iPhone and media, Storage App »
The spot, from longtime Apple ad agency TBWA\Media Arts Lab, illustrates simply how the technology works. In the ad, a user downloads an album on an iPhone 4S and then — voila! — it shows up on that user’s iPad and Mac. The same goes for new contacts, calendar entries, photos and apps.
This isn’t Apple’s first ad for iCloud. A commercial released last November made the same point, but included narration to spell it out. That spot came a few weeks after Apple’s official iCloud release in October.
Apple, iOS, iPad, iPad 2, iPhone, iPhone 4, iPhone and media, iPhone in the real world, Market research, Media »
According to an IBM report, iPhone, iPad rose up to 13 percent of all online purchases on Christmas.
More figures show that on December 26, online sales rose by 27.8 percent compared with 2010.
Eyeing online sales across 500 retailers on December 25 and 26, IBM’s latest holiday benchmark report found a surge in cybershopping from mobile devices.
A full 16 percent of all online traffic recorded by IBM came from mobile devices, a surge of 109 percent from last year.
The great – and strange news come from the fact that purchases …
App store, App world, Apple, Appumentary, iPad, iPad 2, iPad video, iPhone and media, Media, Music, Music industry, Showbiz app, Uncategorized »
App store, App world, Apple, Apple announce, iOS, iOS4, iOS5, Operating system »
iOS 5 release is upcoming, are you ready for the 200+ new features?
So what are we waiting for?
What are those features, seen by many as Steve’s latest legacy?
Better Notifications: iOS 5 will include the new Notification Center, which can be accessed by swiping your finger downward on any iPhone screen. You can customize which notifications appear, including emails, texts, Game Center updates and weather. The point is to make notifications less like that interrupting cow in your knock knock joke.
iMessage: The new messaging feature allows iOS users to communicate over …