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App store, iPad, iPad 2, Skype, VoIP »

[12 Aug 2011 | No Comment | ]

When it was released, a long time ago, Skype for iPhone has turned on high expectations around a specifically-designed version for iPad which was announced and never released for a loooong time.
Now the wait is over! iPad owner can now download the very iPad-only Skype version on iTunes App Store!
Was it worth the wait? Let’s see.
Skype for iPad leverages the huge screen estate, enabling a completely different communication experience with the world-leading VoIP software, be it with video-calling features or in chat mode.
Some features have been customized for the …


App store, App world, FaceTime, iPad, iPad 2, iPad photo, iPad video, Skype, VoIP »

[27 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ]

This time may be the right time: the iPad (specifically the iPad 2) is getting an iPad-specific version of the beloved Skype app – with working cameras!
That’s cool for most users that still haven’t moved to the Facetime side of modern communication!
ZDNet has been able to preview the iPad-specific version of the Skype app and published several new pics along some pretty info.
Performance issues and worries?
Although Skype for iPad will work on both iPad versions, you’ll only be able to broadcast video from the iPad 2, since it has a …
