Articles tagged with: business app
App store, App world, Business App, iOS5, iPad 2, iPhone, iPhone 4, iPhone and media, iPhone in the real world, Storage App »
You may already know, the online simple file storage. gives you from 5 GB (free) up to 1 TB (or unlimited, paid) storage space to enjoy team collaboration, cloud computing or just an easy way to backup files, photos and your stuff (check here for correct pricing and plans).
This kind of services seem the perfect companion to iPads and iPhones: without even using iTunes syncing (nor iCloud) you can have the same photos, videos, PDFs (on iBooks, for examples) wherever and whenever you want it!
Here at we use …
App store, App world, Business App, iPad, iPhone, News app »
Want to Get Things Done once and forever? Have a look at Delegate 1.1 by app4Mac, for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.
The new version generally improves application and apps, fixes bugs, treates foreign languages better, and the like.
Until the end of September, mobile versions of Delegate are only US$ 2.99, € 2.39.
Those who opt for the Mac version can share a to-do list on the Internet with a free online service powered by app4mac servers.
Whatever version you choose, remember to stay focused on one task at a time and leave multitasking …