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App store, App world, FaceTime, iPad, iPad 2, iPad photo, iPad video, Skype, VoIP »

[27 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ]

This time may be the right time: the iPad (specifically the iPad 2) is getting an iPad-specific version of the beloved Skype app – with working cameras!
That’s cool for most users that still haven’t moved to the Facetime side of modern communication!
ZDNet has been able to preview the iPad-specific version of the Skype app and published several new pics along some pretty info.
Performance issues and worries?
Although Skype for iPad will work on both iPad versions, you’ll only be able to broadcast video from the iPad 2, since it has a …


Featured, Headline, iOS4, iPod touch »

[19 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
FaceTime for iPod touch to allow customizable logins

Upcoming FaceTime support for the iPod touch — and possibly the iPad — should allow for customizable user details, code examination is said to show. It was recently discovered that Apple is planning to link FaceTime IDs to e-mail addresses attached to Apple ID accounts. On the iPhone 4, FaceTime calls are presently linked to carrier phone numbers.
As a part of the iPod arrangement, people will allegedly have unique FaceTime usernames and passwords. This should even include customizable caller IDs, since they do not have to be associated with a …
