Articles tagged with: Steve Jobs
iOS4, iPad »
Are you looking at your screen rotation lock hardware button on the iPad? Well, remember that with iOS 4.2, due in about a month from now or even less, it’ll become a Mute hardware button.
The same happened to iPhones when their iOS 4.1 rolled out.
There’s no hope that things could do differently. Steve Jobs allegedly replied to question In IOS 4.2 for iPad is the switch on the side going to be the mute and not screen orientation lock from now on? and answered Yep, while answering Nope to question …
App world, Fun, iPhone, iPhone and media, iPhone in the real world, Media »
Although in Chinese, the video below well deserves a look: a fake Steve Jobs, a chinese one namely, holds a press conference yesterday in Hong Kong to celebrate the launch of the MTR Mobile (Hong Kong’s transportation ) subway app (check here the app, if you dare!).
The clone at the conference was local celebrity Law Kar-ying; Law seems to have studied the man he was emulating quite well: he gets everything right, from the gulps of bottled water to the Levis and turtleneck.
[Via Tuaw and]