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Articles tagged with: Tablet

Browsing app, Google, iPhone and media, iPhone in the real world »

[13 Sep 2011 | No Comment | ]

More and more search results are being delivered through iPad (and look-alikes): does the old ‘I search, you give results’ paradigm changed in any way?
Mashable reports on this topic quoting Norman Winarsky, longtime search expert and co-founder of a personal assistant startup (SRI) that was acquired by Apple.
“Tablets enable a full, interactive experience that involves not only text, but potentially speech and interactions,” he says.
Search on tablets will incorporate how you engage with your tablet’s touchscreen, front and back cameras and microphone. “Where are you looking? What are you seeing? …


App world, iPad, Market research »

[26 Aug 2010 | One Comment | ]

Are you a mobile warrior?
That is, do you stick to the definition of “a worker using any mobile device (including laptop, netbook, smartphone, cellphone or tablet) who accesses networks (other than the corporate LAN or WLAN) for work purposes.”?
Even if the answer is no, you may be interested about mobile devices being used around you.
iPass, a leading provider of enterprise mobility services, has just published a report that outlines technology devices usage and issues related to working people on the move.
The survey respondents were asked about their mobile productivity, work …
